
Some books I enjoyed in the year 2021:

“Too Loud a Solitude” Bohumil Hrabal

“The Hole” Hiroko Oyamada

“Picnic at Hanging Rock” Joan Lindsay

“The Wisdom of the Desert” Thomas Merton

“Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” Jaron Lanier

“It Is If I Speak” Joe Wenderoth

“Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” Haruki Murakami

“The Dog of the South” Charles Portis

“Piranesi” Susanna Clarke

“The Fall at Home” Don Paterson

“Poems (1962-1997)” Robert Lax

“Crum” Lee Maynard

“Poetry State Forest” Bernadette Mayer

“Notes of a Crocodile” Qiu Miaojin

“Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” Annie Dillard


-Outdoor Banking: Pros & Cons

-Whole Lotta Rats

-Has Anthony Kiedis Been to California?



Abes didn’t do so well. They had to sleep in the iron desert

“turn achoos into cashews”

bromance vs. growmance

dinego - n. the part of the brain that activates when a person drinks malt liquor